Services / Rayburn Electric Conversions – Energizer

We have converted a good number of Rayburn appliances using the ‘Energizer’ electric conversion kit which has proved to be reliable as it has been developed by the original designer of the AGA ElectricKit conversion. The conversion runs from a 13A spur, there is one element below a replacement hot plate and another is neatly concealed behind the removable oven side cheek casting.

Energizer Rayburn Electric Conversion

We have found the main reason for converting an existing Rayburn tend to be as follows:

  • The Rayburn used to provide central heating but this is now supplied by a modern efficient boiler but cooking and back ground heat is still required.
  • Some parts for older Rayburn models are now no longer available and if they are the cost of the parts are often too high to be economically viable.
  • Many people want to move to a cleaner energy source and make use of an existing appliance instead of replacing for new.

With all of the above customers also wish to avoid the upheaval caused by removing their ‘old friend’ and the associated expense of putting something else in its space.

The conversion can be carried out in one day with minimum disruption and mess.

Get in touch

To find out more about the services provided, discuss your needs, or to book an appointment please submit a message to our friendly team today.

Alternatively you can phone 01373 463535 or 07753 273780 during normal working hours. (9am – 5pm Monday – Friday)

Address: Blatchbridge Farm, Blatchbridge, Frome, Somerset, BA11 5EJ

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